While staging their hoaxes the illuminati include jokes. This is a way to prove their point: their sheep = human cattle.

Aug 27, 2015

CBS journalists killed during live TV :play race card with actors

For the basics about illuminati media, start with what is mocked with this psy-op:
From 08-26-2015, minutes after the hoax was served as "breaking news" 

Victims of fake shootings: PHOTOSHOP and actors 
Part of the cast advancing the disarm citizens agenda and setting the stage for the manhunt for non-whites, that starts with muslims and blacks. 

Aug 26, 2015 - actor "Bryce Williams" steps on stage on live broadcast illuminati joke: 
"CBS journalists shot and killed during live broadcast in Virginia".
Reminder of what the joke is about: there's no such thing as "live TV" if the TV station is controlled by the illuminati.
In other words: ALL TV stations broadcasted not only on cable but also by satellite.

WDBJ journalists Alison Parker, Adam Ward shot and killed during live broadcast; suspect dead from self-inflicted gunshot wound
August 26, 2015
Shooting on LIVE TV!!! RAW POV UNCUT VIDEO WDBJ7 Reporter Killed In Bridgewater Plaza, Virginia - youtube video removed: qUTRfG50j9Q

"Bryce WIlliams" part of this gang: Al Sharpton, leaders of BlackLivesMatter, Cosby: ALL ACTORS part of setting the stage for the manhunt for non-whites.
Same as the black actors still playing the "good guy" roles, from Ben Brains "Waterboard" Carson to CNN's Don Lemon.

Illuminati media: BASICS, starting with the two KEY facts.
First published 1999, examples last updated 2016.
It's introduced by one of the basic facts about ISIS: it never controlled any major city in Iraq.

One of the roles of BlackLivesMatter is to market fake blood as real.
From "dead" Brown/Gray to "dead" police officers during "protest against police violence":

Forums  posted to glp (managed by the illuminati web of disinfo) and as always censored shortly after, it survived partly quoted on page 73: quoted 08/26/2015 02:47 PM
When  this snapshot was taken and before a few other replies were censored, it was still in page 74